Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh, the places you'll go!

Do you ever feel like there is so much you want to do but it feels like you can't do it all? Yeah I know that feeling. I wouldn't want to do something more than acting though, I couldn't imagine anything else being the biggest factor of my life, but there is for sure those other goals I have, other dreams.

Obviously you all know I have to travel, that's a major passion of mine. I honestly don't think I can really settle down in a life until I do that. The cloests thing to "settling down" I am going to do before that is when I move to Southern California..But that still will hardly be settling down. There's too many places I want to go and too many experiences I want to have before then. I created this list of places I know I need to go awhile back, and I add to it whenever I think of somewhere knew and exciting I dream to venture in. I think I'll let you in on this list :)
(In no particular order, really.)
Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotlland, Greece, Italy, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Morrocco, Id really like to go to Saudi Arabia but I don't think that if in the near future I will be able too...ANYWAY, Austria, Poland, Russia, France, England, China, Thailand, Isreal, South Africa, I really want to go into the African Congo, and I am sure I missed some, just because there is so many places, but some aren't certain countries, but just certain places within the country. You see, I also want to go on archeology trips to certain places, even places in the U.S. and dig right into history! I don't believe I have mentioned this before on my blog, which is strange because it means so much to me, but I am such a history nerd. I mean me being an aspiring actress you would think Drama is my favorite class, but really, it's History. If I didn't have a desire for films, and acting like I do, I would go to college for history and minor in Archeology without a doubt. So when I am attending college I think I will Minor in history or Archeology or a double minor. I am just so amazed by the past and how things once were. We read these stories and hear these things that we all have before, but do we ever really stop and think, "Wow, this actually happened in this world that I am living in now..." I don't know about you but it truly blows my mind. I love that knowledge and that through centuries have preserved things about ourselves and humanity for future generations to find and have revealed unto us.
See, I want to go see where the Mayans were, the Aztecs and the Inca's, I really want to spend a lot of time doing Native American research as well. See why I have such a love and passion for period films? Ahh I cannot wait to be a part of one, I mean, ill love acting no matter what roles I choose, but I can dream, right? Just like you have your actors who prefer certain roles, of course I won't be terribly picky, at all. Just follow your ethics and morals when choosing roles and how far you go on certain things. But it's different to say you just would love to be in period pieces. No matter what time period, I love the feeling of portraying that time period. I feel as though it is almost an honor to be able to. Either fiction or non-fiction, I will love it no matter what. Sorry for going off topic a little, it all ties in though :) I believe these feelings came a lot from my parents, especially my mother. Once she graduated college, she went off and just traveled and its grown as a major dream of mine. The love for history I am sure came from my father.
While during my travels, I dont want to just travel and sight-see, no. I want to do a lot of volunteer work, I want to help people, and make just as much difference I can in people's lives. That's why this feeling of going to China this fall to teach english to children there, the idea has completely stolen my heart. I believe every time you do this type of thing, any sort of volunteering service, it builds the content of your character and who you are and are becoming. I think those are the things we should take advantage of.
I Should be wrapping this up, but I just wanted to make myself more clear as who I am and my goals because this is about my journey and my dreams, and how could you really follow it if you didn't know it? So I thought I would make it more clear. Of course, this is just one aspect, but a big one. I did mention acting and film in here so it ties into my strongest passion and what I am all about. Of course, thats till is pretty vague. I guess the only way to really know is to follow this blog, and I'll do my best to help with keeping up with my blog and my life, and writing it all down on here. (: Thanks for reading!

P.S. sorry if there is any type-o's I wrote this pretty fast!

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